Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dendrobium crepidatum

Inflorescence: One to two flowers arising from the nodes of leafless canes that have just finished growth in the previous season.
Flowers: Pale pink and about an inch across with a contrasting yellow throat. The flowers on this particular variety lasted just a day.
Plant habit: Drooping epiphyte whose pseudobulbs(canes) initially grow upright but then droop under the weight of the cane.
Altitude: Above 1000 metres asl.
Flowering time: March to April.
Fragrance: None.
Distribution: Himalayan foothills and Western Ghats.
Heat tolerance: In the plains it does not bloom with many flowers. It is an intermediate plant.


  1. Nice plant... This is from Wayanad I think.. better shape..

  2. Yes but hardly lasts two days and sets fruit quite fast.

  3. D crepidatum occurs in two forms..... the normal ones with long lasting flowers and the other form is more symmetrically shaped (actinomorphic)and self pollinating. The second form is said to be D. lawianum...but we may not find any noticeable difference between these two ..Yours might be the second form..

  4. D. lawianum is different. In being actinomorphic, it lacks a lip and has all tepals. There was a picture by Dinesh Valke on Flickr.
